Your Danish Ancestry

We suggest

We can help you in your research to find and locate your Danish family's history - all over Denmark. Our experience and widespread network enable us to search in relevant archives including old scripts as well as online information. Furthermore, we have many years of experience in reading and deciphering old writings which will make the entire process easier and cheaper for you.

In other words, we strive to give you as personal and flexible an experience as possible in your journey to find your Danish heritage.

If you want to learn more about what Your Danish Ancestry can do for you or if you have any questions, you are most welcome to send us an email or use the contact form. You may also find it useful to consult the FAQs.


If you need clarification as to how we can assist you, please arrange for an introductory conversation with Mette. 

Track and Trace Your Danish Ancestors

We track your family history in Denmark as far back in time you want or as far back as possible. We can also focus on specific details of your Danish family if you tell us your wishes. If you wish, we can also trace living relatives.

Read here to get an idea of what a tracking could look like.

Meet Your Danish Relatives

If you want to meet your living, Danish relatives, we can make contact and arrange for a visit, if both parties are interested. We offer to be present and tell about your common ancestral history. Furthermore, we can assist with translation during the visit, if needed.

Heritage Tour in Denmark

Would you like to travel in the footsteps of your Danish family, we can tailor the trip for you. We have close cooperation with GuideserviceDanmark, who has a professional team of local guides throughout Denmark at their disposal. Guides who speak many different languages and guides with a great knowledge of their local areas. By booking a genealogy tour with us, you can experience places, hear stories and details that you would not have found yourself.

We can help you to organize the genealogy tour in Denmark based on either the findings done by Your Danish Ancestry or your own research.

If you want us to help you with guides, accommodation and transportation in Denmark, just let us know.


We offer to translate documents to and from English, German and Spanish.